December 5, 2017

6-year old letter disses Santa

Force kids to write letters to "Santa" in school and look what you might get!

Sinterklaas Arrives in 1920

Fascinating footage of Sinterklaas arriving in Amsterdam, in 1920. Many other years are available as well.

Walloons Remove Cross from Saint Nicholas

The Walloon socialist health insurance fund Solidaris removed the cross from the miter of Sinterklaas for their drawing competition. “In order not to exclude any child”, it explains…

But the socialist health insurance system defends itself by saying that “it is no longer a religious celebration of Sinterklaas, but a feast for all children, whatever faith they have. Hence our decision to remove that religious symbol and replace it with a neutral round sphere,” says a spokesperson for the health insurance fund…

Newsweek: Santa is Dead?

The title does not live up to itself - Newsweek runs a short, informative article on the bones of Nicholas.

Joyous Feast of St. Nicholas to All

St. Nicholas is not confused about the reason for the season!
Lots of other are, and rightly so. Anyway, the ASLAN Society wishes for you a joyous feast.