Of course, since one of ASLaN's goals is to promote worship of the joyous Christ of the Nativity, we take issue with some of young Darren's sentiments. But, he does share ASLaN goal #1, which is derision and criticism of the Santa Cult.
He write on the website where you can buy his artwork:
“In these abundant and godless times of ours - Santa Claus fills the hole in our calendar once used to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. The 'Son of God' is little more than a footnote in this annual festival of greed. Not that I think we should all go to church and beg forgiveness; as an atheist and an anti-capitalist I believe both can go (Bleep). What I find interesting is the competition between these two gods and the way Western 'Christian' society still manages to maintain belief in one while being openly, orgasmically seduced by the other. Stroll around any of the urban hubs of our civilisation at Christmas and you will be bombarded with flashing signs, LCD screens and billboards declaring the glorious message of our times: Jesus is dead! Long live Santa!”
Darren Cullen, 2006.
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